Meizu Won’t Release MX7 This Year ?

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Meizu Mx7 image

There has been a lot of leaks and rumors recently about Meizu MX7 model that users expected to arrive with rocking specs, similar to Meizu Pro 7. We also spotted pictures that were being said to be Meizu MX7 Model. However, we have a news that will throw cold water on your hopes.

Not Just MX7, but Meizu may not release even a single MX Series Model this year

A Chinese Tech Leakster mentioned on Social Media (Weibo) that Meizu has no plan to release MX Series model this year. Here is the screenshot if you can read Chinese;

no meizu mx7

Well, there is nothing to be sad. Meizu MX7 was rumored to feature the same specs that you can already find in Meizu Pro 7 and Pro 7 Plus. So if you still want a high-end Meizu Smartphone, then go for the latest Pro series model.