FBI has unlocked iPhone 5C, withdrawing legal action

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Apple vs fbi case closed

An ongoing Apple vs FBI issue has come to an end. It has been revealed by a filing found on Scribd. The filing clearly states that Government got the access to the data stored in Farook’s iPhone. So they no longer need any Assistant from Apple. It also states that the legal action will be withdrawn.

FBI has not said anything how they unlocked Farook’s iPhone 5C, or how they got access to the data. So it’s still a secret. What kind of data FBI found in iPhone or whether they are helpful or not will be confidential for sure.

Apple kept on refusing to make any unlocking tool for FBI, but what FBI did to unlock iPhone 5c is a mystery. Now the next update for iOS may bring something to make the security more stronger if Apple finds out what made them to bypass the iPhone’s security.