Top Chrome Extensions to Benefit from in 2021

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In today’s world, progress is directly related to productivity. The more active and efficient you are in doing your work, the improved are the results. Now, there are many methods for increasing the level of your productivity, ranging from setting small goals to working remotely from home. Nevertheless, one of the best ways is to sharpen your ‘tools’ with which you execute your tasks.

Whether you are a blogger, an affiliate marketer, a web designer, or a social media influencer, you make use of the internet, right. It is a basic tool and a platform, which connects you with your target audience. You access it via a browser, in most cases Google. Interestingly, the quality of your work depends on the reliability of your internet connection and browser.

What if I told you about the best chrome extensions for your browser, which would save you time, resources, and energy, thereby amplifying your productivity. Well, you are in luck. The following are the top tried-and-tested, expert-recommended extensions that you can download right now. With these, you will be able to finish your tasks well before the deadline and satisfy your inner perfectionist. Before we get down to the browser extensions, it is important to mention the fact that they work best with a high-speed internet service to function efficiently. Therefore, if you are looking for fast and reliable internet service, simply check out Spectrum internet and find the best internet deals available in your area. With that said, let us shed some light on the best internet browser extensions in 2021: 

1. Grammarly

You might have come across ads not so long ago, in which young artists, college candidates, and entrepreneurs fix their instrumental works using a simple tool, well,  Grammarly is that error-fixing tool. It is one of the most popular browser extensions, loved by professional and amateur writers alike. It is super easy to install and is available in both free and premium versions. What does it do? It automatically proofreads your documents, blogs, emails, and whatnot on and off the internet highlights the language errors in red, and gives recommendations to improve the style. With such an extension in place, you will never have to worry about sending a typo-filled file to your boss ever again.

2. LastPass

If you want to survive in this world of virtual crime, you need to keep your cyber-security up to date. One of the ways to stay protected is to ensure password strongholds on every online channel you make your account on. However, who can even remember all those passwords made with unique combinations? LastPass will. Yes, this is a Chrome extension, which is extremely helpful. It records your passwords and remembers them for you. Therefore, you will not have to waste your time and energy recalling a forgotten combination just in time. You can simply open this extension and enter your intended domain.

3. AllTabs

I know a graphic designer who loves opening multiple tabs on his browser of this image or that. However, the problem is, he finds it difficult to save certain tabs for future reference. He does not like bookmarking because it crowds up everything. That was before I suggested to him adding an AllTabs extension, and now, he could not be happier. This extension allows him to save his currently opened tabs with just a click, and then later manage them on a priority basis. It conserves his time and energy and makes him a much more productive worker. You can download it free over your home network, if it offers efficient service. No more, tab hassle!

4. Typio Form Recovery

Typio Forn Recovery is a great retrieval extension. You know when you are filling forms online, especially those long and elaborate ones, and suddenly your session times out or your internet drops, and when you try to get back to them, all the information that you spent hours typing is lost? You know what I mean, right? However, Typio Forn Recovery comes as a knight in shining armor to your aid by saving your data as you type along. This data is stored in an encrypted form on your device and is not sent to third-party servers. You can disable it when you are not using it. So, download it as soon as you can and save yourself a lot of trouble.

5. Bitly

Just like its name, this extension allows you to sever long URLs into easily digestible bits and share them on social media channels. Given this minimizing function, it is best for social media marketers. They can shorten up links and post them directly from the browser. This optimization of the information is quite user-friendly and refines customer experience. It has a free version and an extended premium one for the professionals out there.

6. FoxClocks

In business, time is of the essence. Any moment, the clients could make the call, giving your business its biggest boom yet. If that moment is missed because you could not note the exact international timing, then that is too large a loss. What can you do about it? Install FoxClocks in your Chrome and find the world clock only a click away. This extension displays current international timings on your browser’s status bar, so you do not have to make a separate Google search and lose precious time.

7. Momentum

Distractions abound whenever you are trying to focus on your work, right? Sometimes, it is the chirping of the birds outside the window, other times; it is the fragments of conversations going on in the background. Rely on Momentum to help you out of this fix. This Chrome extension is like a personalized dashboard, which keeps you focused, and inspires you every day with a quote and a new photo. You can get it in both free and paid versions.

That is all for today, I hope this list is of help to you. Do try these remarkable extensions and stay tuned for more interesting articles.